Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Robert Rauschenberg

Known as a Pop Artist, he is an important figure in the whole of art during the 20Th century, by being able to make art exist outside galleries so that art can be more than just paintings, canvases and sculptures.

A critic quotes "Rauschenberg made it possible for art to appear anywhere, from museums to the trashcan.

In 1953 he moved to a loaf studio in New York where not long afterwards he created one of his most known works of art where he rubbed out another artists piece of work, the work was a piece of Abstract Expressionism, the rubbing out signifies the end of the Abstract Expressionist school of art or to show it was another time for a new type of art to capture the public imagination. After the artist Jasper Jones destroyed all of his early works felling they where to influenced by Abstract Expressionism. The to Became friends and in 1955 set up a window design company.

In 1958 Raushenberg had his own show at Leo Castetelli Gallery, which launched his career as a pop artist.

by 1968 he was famous as an artist, so famous he was invited to watch the launch of Apollo 11 by NASA, making a good subject to use in his pop art, so he created "Sky Garden in 1969 to celebrate the Apollo 11 mission.

other works include:
  • Bed - 1955
  • Brace - 1962
  • Canyon - 1959
  • Estate - 1963
  • Harbour - 1964
  • Monogram - 1955
  • Retroactive I - 1964
  • Tracer - 1963

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